in these pieces I chopped up some old suitcases to make video bags. Theses video bags would go on to become my pre-skype video conference boxes for an exhibit called language of travel.
Torn from Britannica @ CAD – 2007
This was my first solo show at the Chicago Art Department, Im not sure that I would have made this many paintings had the opportunity to exhibit them was not available. Knowing that I have an audience in the members of the Chicago Art Department and the Pilsen arts community…
Video Clothes – 2007
VIDEO CLOTHES Dressing Light – Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago For several years, I have collaborated on art and design projects with Belgium Fashion Designer and School of the Art Institute Fashion Instructor Anke Loh. She initially contacted me after seeing my video at the Chicago Cultural Center’s Flavors of Fashion…
This has been a poem, a song, a film and required reading for hundreds of High School juniors. I wrote the poem at Mount Mercy College in 1997. The song was first performed in 2003 and was later recorded for the Rook Rumors album. The film premiered at DePaul University…
Faculty Show – 2005
The instructor at the Chicago Art Department hosted the first annual faculty show. I showed waxy paintings and performed a few songs.
Street Studies – CAD – 2005
For the third collaborative learning exhibition by the Chicago Art Department we chose the theme Street Studies. Again we collaborated with SXU. Cad students took east west streets and SXU students took north south streets. The final project took place at both SXU and CAD
We took the best of my two creative worlds, Chicago Art Department and Saint Xavier University Department of Art & Design, and smashed them together. The topic was Chicago Streets – Every Artist chose a different street. Documentary made by a student in the class. Classroom Footage Concert Footage WESTERN…
Love it or Leave it – 2004
This was the first Chicago Art Department Exhibit The exhibit followed 15 weeks of collaborative learning and discussions. A merger of the three instructors favorite students and favorite artists from the community. All of the artworks were designed to communicate the theme “Love it or Leave it”
LOVER LEAVER Location: Transamoeba – South Loop – Chicago Year: 2003 All of the members of the rock band Hive of Fives, including myself, took part in the Chicago Art Department (see below). The topic chosen for the first CAD exhibit was “Love It or Leave It’. For the CAD…
In the spring of 2004, Laura Chiarmonte and Marvin Marzocco of the modern dance company Creative Arts Melting Pot, contacted Deb Vogt and I, to see if we were interested in contributing a multimedia performance for their upcoming show about fears. IMAGERY After a brief conversation about our fears and…