These videos are the product of an incredible experiment. The Art Department and the History Department merged for a semester to communicate the heritage of the fundraises of our university. These are student compositions. The subject was researched, shot, and edited by the students in the class. All students were…

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Connect Ed – 2014

For this exhibition that asked artists to consider re-invisioning education. I decided to create project in which I had students from four different grade levels draw the same teapot. The students were from a school that has no art program. so I would get student for one morning and teach…

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VisCOM – iPad 2013

Students in the First Year Seminar: Visual Communication class (freshman non-majors) were required to execute several iPad drawings. These drawings became animations of their own creation. Some of these drawings were original compositions, others were master copies The music is by the band 55. The song is Tell Me Why….

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CG mags from 2013

  These are magazines created in my Computer Graphics class in 2013. The first 7 weeks of the course students study basic illustration techniques. During this time we also review basic 2D design elements and principles. In the last 7 weeks all students are responsible for designing and self-publishing their…

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Perspectives Charter School – 2010

Starting in the fall of 2010, Chicago Art Department will be THE art department for Perspectives Charter School on State and Archer streets, launching a monthly art program for their middle and high school students. CAD members and residents will meet with students once a month, leading the group through…

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